the Kullinari


Homeworld: unknown
Status: Hostile

The Kullinari are a parasitic species with a hive mind, similar in size and appearance to a large scorpion. They infest a humanoid by entering through the mouth and lodging at the back of the neck, breathing through a small bluegill extended just beyond the skin at the base of the skull. The bluegill is only detectable upon a close examination of the victim. An infested host is completely under the control of the parasite, retaining no self-will whatsoever. The parasite gains knowledge of the majority of the host's memories, but some gaps in recent memories is common. The humanoid host gains extraordinary strength and constitution, due to the suppression of pain impulses to the brain.

Individual Kullinari are mentally linked to each other via a "Mother" creature, a larger squid-like parasitical being that has infested a humanoid usually in a location central to the operations of its hive. The Mother creature inhabits the entire abdominal cavity of its victim, taking over the functions of numerous internal organs, and cannot be removed without killing the host. Individual Kullinari cannot survive without their Mother, and if the Mother is ever killed, all linked parasites release and evacuate their human hosts, dying shortly thereafter.

The Kullinari have made several attempts to take over the Earth from within by infesting key military and governmental officials.