Ijoula Brexen

Rank Lieutenant JG
Position Stellar Cartographer
Race Trill (Joined)
Sex Female
Birthplace Trill Homeworld
Age 22 years
Height 5 ft. 10 in.
Weight 126 lbs.
Eyes Blue
Hair Blonde

Distinguishing Physical Characteristics

Trill spots


  • Brona Trax - Father (joined)
  • Celarn Toolon - Mother (unjoined)


Ijoula lived on Earth, daughter to Lieutenant Commander Brona Trax - Starfleet Intelligence. Her time in school showed that she had inherited her father's intelligence and she showed a flair for spatial science.

The time came when she had to choose her path in life. She chose Starfleet and entered the Academy. She began training in Stellar Cartography. During her training, she often embarked on deep space expeditions. On one such expedition, things went terribly wrong and a spatial anomaly inflicted damage aboard the ship. Telani Brexen, a Trill, was killed in the attack. Her symbiont would have died had Ijoula not been aboard. Unlike most Trills, she did not wish to be joined, but in this situation she didn't have a great deal of choice. She hasn't regretted her choice since though.

On another deep space mission, the ship became infested with tribbles. The situation was dealt with swiftly by the resourceful Captain, but Brex kept one behind and named it "Spike" for the spiky hair it had. Brex sees Spike as a sort of good luck charm. Things always go well when he's around.

She was soon assigned to the USS Valiant with her long time childhood friend David McAllister. After the Valiant, she went with him to Jupiter station, later to be assigned with him to the USS Hornet.


An outgoing person, never shy, always confident and always seems to enjoy herself. Being a joined Trill, she has the memories of her previous two hosts, and as a result also has knowledge in engineering and metallurgical science.

Service Record

  • USS Valiant
  • Jupiter Station
  • USS Hornet

Previous Trill Hosts

  • First host - Seleya Brexen
  • Second Host - Telani Brexen

Player's Name

Chris Wood