Sally Hope

Rank Lieutenant JG
Position Medical Officer
Race Tallin
Sex Female
Birthplace Tarquill
Age 23 years
Height 5 ft. 11 in.
Weight 143 lbs.
Eyes Green, middle-length eye-lashes
Hair Long, brown/blonde hair, gently curvy


Sally was born on Tarquill, with her Mother Seraby, and Father Davan. The Borg attacked when she was 5 and killed her father and a large number of the Tallin population, but her mother and and her escaped on a ship and were found floating adrift, and were taken back to earth. She was brought up near where the Janeways lived and loved to ride horses. When she was 17 she applied to the Academy, much to her mother's horror, she applied for the medical and counselling section. She worked very hard, and passed all her tests with flying colours, she then applied to a small science vessel, providing aid to the far planets in the Delta Quadrant. Had been in service for 2 years when the ship was distroyed by the Romulans, and she was taken back to earth by a cargo ship.

She took many survival training courses and worked closely with Captain Janeway (Kathryn Janeway's father) on his many mercy missions, and grew to know his daughter well.

Has be marshalled a couple of times for underminding a direct order, although she was correct in both instances, and managed to save her crew, still got barked at anyway.

Has been on earth for some time now working with Starfleet to rehabilitate prisoners of war, and help curing the Vidiian Phage. Is presently looking for a job on a ship where she can show Starfleet what she is really made of.


Sally is a warm hearted person, and is very gently, but fears the fact that people will find out that she is not human, and wil persecute her (seeing as no one knows she is a Tallin, because she looks so much like a human). She is extreamly protective of friends and loved ones, and likes to ensure things are done properly, but does like to let her hair down once in a while. She is a very good listener and reacts with compassion towards other, except those who abuse her friends and crew mates. Loyal, hard working and one of the biggest hopeless romantics ever makes a perfect all rounder.

Special Abilities

Sally is both empathic and telepathic, and is a remarkable counsellor and doctor.


Loves to read, horse ride, play pool and enjoys romantic interludes on the holodeck.

Additional Notes

No one knows Sally is a Tallin, and very little is known about her race, it is her deepest secret, and she knows there are many like her, she has begun to realise she must tell people.

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