Myron Okul

Rank Lieutenant JG
Position Operations Officer
Race Cardassian
Sex Male
Birthplace Cardassia
Age 23 years
Height 6 ft. 2 in.
Weight 205 lbs.
Eyes Brown
Hair Black

Other Physical Characteristics

His skin has more of a tan shade than grey.


Myron Okul was born on Cardassia during the height of it's Empire. He was the second son of Glinn Okul. That was in 2361 -- his father was serving as an aide to Central Command. In 2371 at the age of ten, Myron's father was promoted to Gul and made Governor of Lotus II, a colony in the DMZ. Myron enjoyed his life on the planet. He spent hours and in some cases days outside in the arid mountains.

In 2372 Gul Okul was expelled from the Cardassian Military for his views against joing the Dominion. He was exiled to the DMZ with his wife and two sons. Later that year the Colony was all attacked by the Dominion. The Colony was set up for politcal dissidents. Myron somehow survived the attack was rescued by Lieutenant Ronald Green, a Tactical officer on the Midway. The Midway responded to the colony's distress call. Okul and three others survived the attack.

Lieutenant Green raised Myron as his son and educated him about his ancestry and to not be ashamed of it. During the Dominion War, Myron went and lived on earth with Green's parents who lived in Arizona.

In 2379 Myron attempted to enter Starfleet Academy. He failed his first entrance exam. He waited patiently and was accepted after the retake the following year. At the Acadmey, Myron excelled in Science and Command. He completed his first year near the top of his class. He chose the command path, where he did extremely well. During his years at the Academy, he never made many friends. Myron felt like an outsider -- never really quite fitting in. So he passed most of his time reading books on nearly every subject. While at the Academy he earned a reputation from his teachers as a dedicated and good student. Myron also was the only Cadet to beat Commander Worf's marksmanship score with the Type II phaser. In 2384, he graduated 23rd in his class. He was not assigned to any ship for a while. This was discouraging, but being patient, he was offered a spot on the USS Hornet.

Ensign Myron Okul hopes to make his race look good for once and sets an example for others to follow. Myron know's that the eyes of his people are watching him.


Likes Order. Very Honorable. Quiet mannered. Respectful. Hard working. Looking forward to adventure, very eager for away missions

Special Abilities

Martial Arts -- Kung Fu 3rd degree black belt, Vulcan Martial Arts; Klingon hand to hand combat; weaponry expert.


Playing holodeck simulations of combat from around the Galaxy. Holodeck work outs.


January 24, 2385

For your valor and countless acts of courage in the fourteen and a half hours of intense fighting in and outside the fort at Lundora IV. Your are hereby awarded the Silver Star first award.

For outstanding performance of your duties as acting Chief of Operations and your efficacy and conduct. You are meritoriously promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade with all the rights and responsibilities thereof.

Player's Name

Kurt Lawson