Nathaniel R. Sharpe

Rank Captain
Position Commanding Officer
Race Human
Sex Male
Birthplace Orion II
Age 47 years
Height 6 ft.
Weight 185 lbs.
Eyes Brown
Hair Black/Gray
Marital Status Divorced


  • Father - Lieutenant Colonel James Sharpe Ret.
  • Mother - Harriet Sharpe
  • Brother - Albert Sharpe


Nathaniel Sharpe spent the first eleven years of his life on Orion II; his father was the Marine Detachment Commander for the Federation Embassy. The young Sharpe would spend hours watching his father command men and teaching them. He knew he wanted to do what his father had spent his life doing. At age 12 he and his mother, along with his 5 year old brother moved back to Earth to California. Nathan, as he was called by his mother, was a very good student and athlete. He spent most of his Junior High and High School years getting ready to take the Starfleet Entrance Exam.

In 2356, Nathaniel was accepted into Starfleet Academy. During the summer course he decided on Starfleet rather then the Marine Corps, believing there was more to see and do as a Fleet officer then as a Marine Officer. He chose Tactical as a Major and Command as a Minor. While at the Academy, Nathaniel become a model student, earning high marks in both the physical part and the classroom part. Also at this time Nathan found out he was rather popular with the opposite sex, earning a "ladies-man" reputation.

In 2360, Nathaniel graduated 21st in his class and was posted as a Helm officer on the USS Zhukov. The Zhukov was an Ambassador class vessel and was on of the many prides of Starfleet. After Serving on the Zhukov for six years, now Lieutenant Nathaniel Sharpe accepted a position as Chief of Security on the Porial Colony. This assignment was a rather boring assignment and after four years Nathan was transferred to a Fleet Assignment. His next assignment was his most enjoyable, mainly because after ten years he finally was able to serve as a Tactical officer. On this assignment he met Chief Petty Officer Richard Wallace.

2371-73 were not quite as enjoyable. Nathan was rather outspoken about his understanding of why the Maquis fought the Cardassians. Also, the Borg Invasion and Dominion War taught Nathan the cruel reality of combat and war. During the first three months of the Dominion War, Lieutenant Sharpe displayed excellent valor and bravery. Shortly after retaking Deep Space 9, he was promoted to Executive Officer of the Lakota with Rank of Lieutenant Commander. Six months later, he was promoted again for his actions during a critical battle. By the end of the conflict, Commander Sharpe had earned a very well respected reputation as a fair and brave officer. But old feelings die hard -- he had not made too many friends in Command with his outspoken disapproval of the Cardassian DMZ. He wasn't promoted to the rank of Captain or given a ship until three years later.

The USS Shaw was Commander Sharpe's first ship. It was a 12 year old New Orlean's class vessel. Being true to himself he didn't complain. He led twelve planetary survey missions, two minor diplomatic missions, and helped patrol Federation borders. In 2384, the Shaw was destroyed during the Briar Patch Conflict. It was ambushed by three Mulluran cruisers. Commander Sharpe made sure all his crew had abandon ship before he left. Thus, six years commanding his beloved ship were brought to an end.

Early in 2385, an old friend, now his superior, helped Sharpe earn a promotion to Captain and position as Commanding officer aboard the USS Hornet.


Honest, strong-willed, smart, easy going.

Special Abilities

Karate 1st degree belt, Judo 3rd degree black belt

Service Record

  • USS Zhukov - Helmsman
  • Porial Colony -Security
  • USS Justifiable - Tactical
  • USS Lakota - Executive Officer
  • USS Shaw - Commanding Officer
  • USS Hornet - Commanding Officer

Player's Name

Jarrett Horswill