Jenna Wolf

Rank Commander
Position Executive Officer
Race Tanzaran (1/4 human)
Sex Female
Birthplace Tanzaria
Age 126 years
Height 5 ft. 8 in.
Weight 140 lbs.
Eyes Brown
Hair Brown


Born on Tanzaria on March 26, 2260, with her twin brother Tyrran, to Joshua and Tarella Wolf. They were the youngest of five children. They had two older sisters and one older brother. When they were almost four, Tanzaria was attacked by Raiders, later known to be the Eriarti. Two thirds of the population was killed. Jenna and her brother had been almost four at the time. They had managed to find a hiding place in the trees as little birds, but they watched as one by one their family had been murdered. Though physically Jenna wasn't hurt, psychologically was another matter. She was angry and aggressive. When her and her brother were taken in by a family, the Kendles, from Markos V she was put in therapy and Martial Arts classes to channel her aggression. It seemed to help, though she did get into her fair share of scrapes with kids that wanted to challenge her over the years. She always seemed to come out on top though.

In school, she always made good grades and seemed to excel once she understood the concepts. Teachers always considered her bright and was always at the top of her classes. Though her adopted family loved her and her brother and wanted them to stick around being as they were their only children, she just couldn't. She had a strong pull to join Starfleet. Reluctantly, her adopted parents supported her. Her brother soon followed her, only he chose the path of medical officer.

She and her brother remain close. He gave her a kitten.

She has served on the USS Albion - Ensign, Lieutenant (JG), Lieutenant, Lt. Commander


She can be easy going, but you don't want to piss her off. She can fight when necessary and she's not afraid to. She has an undercurrent of emotion that she keeps in check on the job. She has a sense of humor to a degree. It does not always show itself. Likes to drink a bit. And enjoys messing with people's heads on occasions. Especially people that have gotten on her nerves.

Special Abilities

Shapeshifter, Telepath, Empath


Martial Arts including weapons, writing, reading, holodeck

Player's Name

Krystina Stressman