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"Self Training"

Author: Ensign Dreke
Date: November 19, 2384
Location: Starbase 192 / USS Hornet

Ensign Dreke awoke on his big day. He got on his Starfleet uniform and walked over to his replicator. "Steak, medium rare. Eggs, scrambled, and milk, 1%," the young ensign called to his replicator. After breakfast he walked into the hall and into the ship bay. He gazed at the beauty of the Sovereign class starship.

He walked to the turbolift, "Loading bay."

He got out and boarded the ship. He recognized a man rounding the corner -- it was Captain Williams! "Dreke, you're just the person I was looking for. Here are some statistics on the ship and the location of your quarters," he said handing Dreke a PADD.

"Thank you, Captain," said the young ensign nervously.

Dreke strode down the corners and halls and walked into the turbolift. "Deck seven," he said. He walked through more corners and halls and walked into his quarters. He laid his bag down and sat on the sofa reading the ship statistics.... Aft and forward photon and quantum torpedo launchers. 600 quantum torpedoes, 500 photon, 12 phaser banks and multi-regenerative shielding. He gave a long whistle and muttered, "And to think I'll control it all on the bridge during my shift."

The young ensign was getting bored. "Maybe I should practice a little," he said, getting up.

"Computer." [Beep-beep.] "Which holodeck is unoccupied?"

[Holodeck 2 is unoccupied,] the computer said.

Dreke got up and walked to the turbolift. "Holodeck 2," Dreke said. He walked out into the holodeck. "Computer." [Beep-beep.] "Run tactical officer program, advanced difficulty." [Program activated.]

"Captain, I'm picking up Borg lifesigns. Two thousand approximately 4,000 kilometers. They are headed this way," Dreke said.

"On screen," the captain said. On the screen there were two massive Borg cubes. "Ensign, shields up. Arm phasers to rotating frequencies."

"Done sir," Dreke said. "Sir, we are being hailed by the Borg cube," Dreke said in a nervous tone. (The Borg creeped him out bad -- they killed his parents.)

"On screen," the captain said. A green, twisted, creepy face appeared. "We are the Borg. You will be assimilated. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Your defensive capabilities are no match for us. Resistance is futile," the Borg said in a multiple tone.

"Evasive maneuvers, Wallace 22 alpha 5. Arm phasers and quantum torpedoes full spread!" he shouted.

"Done sir," the ensign said. The ship flew over the cubes that kept missing and rapidly fired torpedoes and phasers at all areas of the cubes. "Their shields are down and engines are disabled," Dreke reported. The cube fired a beam and the ship shook badly.

The computers sparked and there was a minor fire in the engineering console. "Damage assessment?"

"Transporters and torpedo launchers are down and engines are offline," the man from engineering said.

"Lock phasers on their weapons systems."

"Aye aye," Dreke said. The phasers struck at the cubes. "Sir, life support on cube 2 is off. They are no longer a problem," Dreke said, "but should I disable the other one sir?"

"No, destroy both of them."

"All right, Captain," Dreke said. The remains were vaporized.

"Computer, end program."


Dreke walked out of holodeck and got in the turbolift. "Deck 7."

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